APRIL 24, 2010
Lay-ups- get ball up and out in front on last dribble.
Crossover layups- slow down and hesitate before crossover. Change directions quickly under control. Pound the dribble between legs.
“Be an encourager when waiting your turn. “ “
“You don’t win unless your teammate wins”
Ginobli layups: wanna finish with your LH on the right hand side and with your RH on the left hand side. Reach out and around defender. Get it up on the rim.
Drill- four guys stand across from each other. Pound the ball hard, below your knees. Shan came around and says “get by me” They also did crossovers, etc here
Spend a lot of time with the basketball. Spinning, catching, handling.
Live Dribble moves
1. Studder
Counter: studder crossover
2. In and out.
Counter: in and out crossover
“Change pace” “Work slow to fast”
“If you go at the same speed all the time, you are just fast. You wanna be quick so change speeds”
Drill “Figure 8s”
Place two cones about 15 feet apart and dribble around them as fast as you can using different dribbles when changing directions. Behind back, between legs.
Chin a medicine ball and do defensive slides
Zig zag drill: Used all four corners of the court. Players went 1/1 to half ct
Defense tries to “beat him to the spot”
“Practice doesn’t make perfect, Perfect practice makes perfect “
1/1 Drill with cones: Two cones are put about 6 feet apart. One is on the sideline and the other about 5-6 feet in side of it on the court. The offense will start on the outside cone, circle it, and then play and try to score on the defensive that ran and circled the inside cone. 3 Dribbles to score. Make it competitive. Keep score
Start in corner and sprint towards elbow. Get pass from a coach. Plant on the inside foot and “get on the 1-2” into your shot. Last step should be long. Chop your feet to make sure and catch the pass reaching out with your inside foot. Add a dribble and “run through the ball” Get ball out in front of you.
“To work on your shot on your own, spin yourself a pass” - when you don’t have a rebounder or passer
When your defender is guarding you by denying the ball: Take him high and make a swim move / backdoor cut. When your defender is playing even or low, walk him into the block, make contact, and break out to the wing. “Get into his body”
Key to getting open: Changing speeds: Slow to fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In slow, out quick. Get into his body.
When you can’t get open, become a screener.
Bigs: Sprint to set. Straddle defenders top leg. Butt facing where you want the ball to go
Guard with ball: Jab and step between defenders feet to “step him off” before b/s gets to you to create space.
When the ball goes to the baseline off a b/s the big gets to the elbow
Guard has ball, jabs to back his man off, big comes and sets, and a coach hits the screener
1. 2 dribbles to the elbow, big rolls
2. 2 dribbles pull back then attack to a pull up. Big rolls
3. All way to paint for floater, big gets to elbow
4. Chris Paul refusal of B/S . Screener fade
1. Shan has ball in slot. 2 guards on one side and 1 on the other. Shan threw ball to any of the guards and the big came and screened. Spacing was important as the guard caught the ball, the other two had to space.
2. Shooter started under the rim with pin screens on each side. The other guard had the ball on the point. When the shooter caught the ball on the wing, the big ran and set a b/s . The big came from the ball side block or the opposite block. The other guard that set the pin screen had to space (to the corner I think )
Quotable Shan
“Fake a pass to make a pass”
“Success is being absorbed in something bigger than yourself”
“Basketball is what I do. It isn’t who I am” Who I am is my character, etc
“Give it your all in everything your do”
“Work, Work, Work” When your are tired do one more
“Never cheat yourself”
“No goal is too high if you fight , fight, fight”
“When you think you’re working hard, you can always go harder”
“Get your education first and foremost”
“Your parents make sacrifices for you every day. They sacrificed $ for you to come to this camp. You pay them back by doing what they ask you to do without complaining”
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