Here are some of the ideas we use when teaching our motion offense at SCHS.
1. V cut
2. pass away from the defense
3. think before you move
4. move with a purpose
5. play within yourself
6. know your capabilities
7. catch and face
8. be ready to shoot
9. hold your screen
10. show a target
11.play your man on offense
12. Wait, Wait, Wait when getting
a screen
Motion Concepts
A. When you pass, move, but do not follow your pass.
B. Do not make 2 simultaneous cuts to the same area.
C. Make use of all screening opportunities off the
ball & move / cut with a purpose
D. Call out the name of the person you are setting the
screen for
E. When you receive the ball, see the rim, post,
action. Hold for a 2 count. Do not pass too
F. If a screener's back is to you, hold the ball to see
what develops. Be patient. Do not reverse the ball
while a screen is taking place.
G. maintain 15-18 foot spacing on the perimeter.
H. Dont make a cut into the post players area. Give him
room to work.
I. Only use the dribble to bring the ball up the court,
improve your passing angle, drive the ball to the
basket, get out of trouble.
These obviously arent all original but they are the general ideas and concepts we try to teach our guys.
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